0161 746 7175 Mon. - Sun. 9.00 - 21:00 2 Delamere Road Urmston
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The Personal Choice For Senior Life


  • Aidcall is a fantastic piece of technology that allows us to respond quickly and efficiently to resident calls. The system has a large LCD panel that is located on both floors and this displays who is calling and also how long the buzzer has been sounding. The system allows us to elevate the call in order to get assistance on the rare occasion when there may be an emergency. It also logs all calls on an online system which allows management and staff to see the longest, shortest and average waiting times for a resident.. It also shows the times when the waiting time is the longest which allows us to set targets and improve our response times. We are proud to say that it is very rare when a resident has to wait longer than a couple of minutes for assistance.
